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News Headlines:
City of Cape Town partners with ABFA to develop community football project
Cape Town City Council closes down community football project
Have your say !
The African Brothers Football Academy is faced with a court order from the Cape Town City Council to close the facility on the 16th of March 2012. After 5 years of successfully rehabilitating the once abandoned and derelict property of the Gardens Commercial High School sports grounds, this litigation against our existence rests on the premise that the area has been zoned for General Residential Purposes R4. Why did it take 5 years and a transformation of the space for this to be brought to light?
The ABFA Objectives:
Our Intention from inception was to develop a self-sustaining football academy to be utilised by the schools and the community. This has been achieved and now serves as a blueprint and working model that can be replicated throughout SA. The project has proven that civil society and an educational institution can work in partnership for the betterment of the community.
Our intent was never to break the law and/or disturb or disturb the surrounding neighbours. Our aim was to unite the community through football and provide facility that can be used by schools and the community. The project was initiated to improve city infrastructure. In 2006, project plans were presented to Gert Bam, Head of Sport, and Vernon Seymour, the Chairman of the South African Football Association, to receive endorsement for the project.
Community Upliftment:
- This facility caters for +/- 4 000 voters, taxpayers, ratepayers, football enthusiasts and students that can utilise the facility at a reasonable fee
- People currently using the facilities are aware that their contribution assists with football development in schools, NGO�s and youth in the community as well as the upkeep of the facility.
How did it come to this?
1. Noise complaints
Some neighbours surrounding the premises have complained about noise produced by people using the academy facilities for recreational enjoyment, notably: playing football.
ABFA have since consulted Mackenzie Hoy Consulting (Acoustics Engineers) to propose solutions in order to appease neighbours that are disturbed by the recreational activities taking place. As per the SA National Standard SANSA10103(2008), ABFA must establish measurement and rating of environmental noise with respect to annoyance and to speech communication.
Currently the Academy operates until 20h00. The SANS definition of “Daytime” is 06h00 to 22h00.
ABFA have communicated with neighbours over the years to ensure they are aware of activities taking place and they have o the observed development over time.
2. Incorrect zoning
Due to the property being zoned for �General Residential Purposes R4�, we have applied to the City Council for an extension and the correct zoning. Given our obvious commitment and dedication to improving the city and the facilities available to the community, it is unfathomable why we are given 3 weeks to close, not realising the impact on the community and stakeholders committed to this project.
Since its conception, ABFA has:
1. Successfully faced the challenge of rehabilitating the premises, see:
2. Trained Coaches and Players from various backgrounds
3. Catered for a number of schools to utilise the facilities
4. Coached individuals from various social upliftment projects, e.g. Homestead, Lear to 5. Live, Homeless World Cup Team
5. Gained a membership of regular players who rent the 5-a-Side courts and join football leagues and tournaments
6. Developed the vision and plans to build a lifestyle and learning centre
7. Made massive financial investments into developing the Academy and its facilities
The African Brothers footbal business is the mechanism which sustains:
- The community & soccer fans
- Schools (12-15)
- NGOs dealing with Youth at Risk
- Mounted Police
- Roller Derby Ladies
- Employment of 12 individuals
- Management of the facility
Your vote can help us encourage an extension of our eviction time, allowing us to apply for the required re-zoning.
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